Sunday 10 September 2017


Circuit Components:

Bread Board-1 CA3130-IC-1 Resistors-1k(1)/100K(1)/2.2M(2) Capacitors-47pf(1)/0.22uf(1)/100uf(1) Transistor-BC548-1 LED-1 Some Wires(single Core or Jumper Male to Male) Supply-9v Battery with Snap(1)

Things to Know

LED Longer Side of LED -Anode Shorter Side of LED-Cathode

Bread Board


Insert the IC CA3130 on Breadboard and the pin 1 and 8 connect 47Pf capacitor,
Connect 6th pin of IC to Transistor(BC548) Base. 
Connect the collector of the transistor(BC548) 
using 1k Resistor from the positive side of breadboard, 
Insert the LED with the Anode connected to the Emitter of Transistor(BC548)
 and cathode to the Negative side of Breadboard,
Connect Pin 2 of the IC to the base of Transistor(Bc548) using 2.2M Resistor,
Connect pin 3 of the IC to the Negative side of Breadboard using 100K Resistor,
 Insert the 100uf Capacitor(Anode) to Pin 3 and Cathode to Negative Side of Breadboard,
Connect pin 3 of the IC to the Positive side of Breadboard using 2.2M Resistor, 
Insert 0.22Uf Capacitor on pin 2 and 3 of IC,
Connect pin 4 to Negative side of Breadboard using wires.
Connect the 9v Battery for supply with Positive and Negative sides on Breadboard.
When we receive or calling LED will glow
Also it works on when we message someone.

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